MTV ‘Teen Wolf’ Renewed For Season 5: Cast Talks ‘Man of Steel’ Dylan Sprayberry Liam Casting

By James Knight | Jul 25, 2014 01:43 AM EDT

MTV has official renewed Teen Wolf for a fifth season. That means you can get used to seeing a lot more of the new cast member, Dylan Sprayberry, A.K.A. Liam. The Man of Steel actor has become one with the pack.

Executive producer Jeff Davis recently spoke to E! News about how Dylan Sprayberry is getting along with of the cast:

"Tyler [Posey] and Dylan [O'Brien] are in love with [Sprayberry]. They have some really great scenes together, so I'm really hopeful that fans like him as much as we like him. He's such a good kid and he's a great actor."

The Man of Steel actor also spoke about the role, including some of the grosser moments of male bonding:

"We have so much fun. We do crazy stuff all the time and they're just like me, so there's never a dull moment and we're always talking about random funny things, Tyler and I, we talk about poop. We don't describe it in detail, but we talk about it in the general sense."

Sprayberry recently opening up to TV Line about what it is like to be swarmed by fans, telling TVLine:

I wasn’t expecting the response I got. Dylan [O'Brien] and Tyler [Posey] told me all about them...They were just like, ‘Our fans are crazy, so say funny stuff and don’t say anything that’ll make the show or yourself look bad.’”

The 16-year-old also spoke about playing a freshman in the world of werewolves:

“It’s definitely going to be a problem for him. Being in a public high school as a freshman, everything changes. It’s a different game than middle school, which is all fun and games. It adds another thing to that problem of having to fit in. And it’ll be even harder for him to fit in now that he knows all about the secret supernatural stuff.”

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