James Franco Announces Sony ‘Interview’ Film on iTunes After Mitt Romney Movie Release Defense Tweet [AMERICA WINS] [HACK]

By James Knight J.knight@classicalite.com | Dec 29, 2014 12:58 AM EST

Think what you want about former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, when the time came he stood up for what was right. And of course we are talking about when he spoke out against Sony pulling the James Franco and Seth Franco film The Interview from theaters. Sony evently decided to release the film in select theaters, and online outlets like YouTube, Xbox Live and Google Play. Now the movie is heading to mega giant iTunes. James Franco made the announcements, giving a nod to Romney in the process.

Mitt Romney was quick to speak up after Sony canceled The Interview, tweeting:

“@SonyPictures don’t cave, fight: release @TheInterview free online globally. Ask viewers for voluntary $5 contribution to fight #Ebola.”

Now Franco has responded to Mitt Romney’s tweet, annoucing the movie’s addition to Apple iTunes:

The Interview is now available on iTunes!
The movie that Mitt Romney wants you to see!”

Have you seen the film? What format did you decided to watch it on? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

“Don't get honey dicked this holiday season, watch the interview!!!!!!!”

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