New Mega Millions Lottery Total Rises: Should You Brave Northeast Blizzard To Buy Tickets?

By Brick Dozer | Jan 26, 2015 10:41 PM EST

The Northeast United States in currently on lockdown, because of a massive and sudden blizzard. The NY subway system has been shut down, 1000’s of flights have been canceled, Broadway has gone dark and curfews are in effect. Sadly for a lot of lotto fans, a trip down to the local ticket seller to pick up a ticket for this week’s Mega Millions game, might not be advised. Check the report below to see if the new total is worth braving the blizzard. Spoiler's not.

The new totals for this week’s Mega Millions lottery game has reached $25 million with an estimated cash value of $16 million.

However, no matter how the totals are, millions of players in the Northeast might not be able to get there hands on a ticket. They have their hands full with a very serious, and life threatening blizzard.

We urge everyone in the blizzard’s path to heed warnings from officials.

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