Superman Brandon Routh’s Atom Suit Leaked: No Shrinking Powers on CW’s ‘Arrow?’ [PHOTO] [DC COMICS]

By James Knight | Feb 03, 2015 07:26 PM EST

DC Comics TV universe is getting bigger and bigger. Not only are their new Teen Titans and Supergirl shows in the works, but The Flash and Arrow are both expanding their roosters. Former Superman Returns star Brandon Routh joined the cast of The CW’s Arrow earlier in the year as the billionaire Ray Palmer, A.K.A. The Atom. Now the new A.T.O.M suit has been revealed. However, fans hoping to see the pint-sized hero in action anytime soon should be warned. Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim has previously stated that we likely won’t see Palmer with his shrinking power on the series.

OK, so at first look, the suit is a bit of a train wreck, but at least he still has his shrinking power….right?

Well as it turns out, he probably won’t. At least at first. Recently, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim told Green Arrow TV that Palmer likely won’t have his signature power on Arrow:

“I think anything is possible. My instinct is that if Ray Palmer’s going to shrink, he’ll probably shrink on another show/ With The Flash in existence, there’s no real compelling reason for us to do superpowers on Arrow. We can bring characters to Flash to have super powers. We have plans for Ray that don’t involve shrinking, but our plans for Ray are actually really cool.”

Ouch! However, despite the Rollerball suit and the lack of anything else that makes Atom the Atom, we still have faith in the series. So far Arrow and The Flash are favorite non-animated superhero shows. Lets just hope that Atom’s disappointing duds and his lack of powers don’t last too long.

What do you think about The Atom’s suit? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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