TMNT Mutations Mix & Match Ninja Turtles Playmates Toy Review: Splinter & Metalhead Unboxed [ACTION FIGURES] [IMAGES]

By James Knight | Mar 26, 2015 08:34 PM EDT

Collectors and parents all around have undoubtedly seen the TMNT Mutations Mix and Match action figures in the toy isle of their local retailer. Having been burned by flimsy Mix and Match figures from other toy companies before, some might wonder if the Playmates Toys line is worth the estimated retail price. So we picked up a few of the figures, Master Splinter and Metalhead, unboxed them and gave them a test play. Check out the review and unboxed images below to see if you should buy?

Mix and Match figures have been hit or miss over the years. The ability to swap parts has worked well for some figures, while proving flimsy in other lines. Switching limbs can make for some awesome play in some toys, but that very same feature, often causes some toys to fall about in your hands. So how do the new TMNT Mutations Mix and Match stack up? We unboxed the Splinter and Metalhead figures, mixed them up and tested them out.

The TMNT figures hold up well against common play. The limbs are not immune to falling off during play, but they manage to stay on well enough to not be considered a problem.

In addition to being able to switch parts with other figures, each toy comes a spare limb, from another character. Splinter comes with a spare left Turtle arm ( Mikey or Dons) and Metalhead comes equipped with a spare left Turtle leg (Mikey or Dons).

The limbs and heads remove and attach easily, with the exception of Splinters legs, which are harder to access under his cloak. As easy as the parts are to intentionally remove, the ball joint connectors tend to stay on relativity well during play.

It is not surprising that these figures hold up so well. Not only does Playmates Toys consistently put out well made TMNT products, but the ability to switch parts has been a secret, but limited, feature for select figures.

Many collectors are well aware of that you can switch the heads back and forth between many of the Turtles.

Our verdict: The TMNT Mutations Mix and Match figures are well worth the ERP and are perfect additions to your Turtle collection. New collectors who may not already have some of the previously released figures should also feel comfortable filling out their Turtle roster with these figures. The basic play of each figures is almost as strong as the non mixable figures and the added features more than make up for occasional re-application of limbs.

What do you think of the new TMNT Mutations Mix and Match figures? What figures are in your collection? What figures to want to mix and match in Wave 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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