Sarah Michelle Gellar Slays Buffy Cast Reunion Movie Rumors; Sends Xander Nicholas Brendon to Rehab after Arrest? [GOSSIP NEWS]

By Shane Jordan | Mar 30, 2015 07:48 PM EDT

It's hard to tell if Sarah Michelle Gellar's assurances that the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer will never reunite to make a movie is good or bad news for Nicholas Brandon. According to the latest gossip news updates, Freddie Prinze Jr., wife is sacred to death that the Xander to her Buffy Summers is going to wind up like her Crazy Ones co-star, Robin Williams. Word has it that after the 43, year old actor was arrested for the third time in 5-months, the Cruel Intentions starlet offered to pay his way through rehab, if only Nicholas would agree to go.

It was reported March 13, that former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star, Nicholas Brendon, had been arrested for drunkenly destroying a comic-convention hotel room for the third time in five-months.

A source close to his former co-star and onscreen love interest told the National Enquirer that Sarah Michelle Gellar was worried sick that if things continued to deteriorate, she would soon be attending another friend's funeral:

"Sarah loves Nick, and she's still haunted by Robin's death.

"She said that she just can't stand idly by and watch Nick destroy himself!"

According to the informant, Sarah is willing to do anything to help get her old friend back on track, if he will let her:

"She called Nick and offered to do anything -- including footing his bill for another try in rehab."

That is Sarah is willing to do anything, perhaps, but star in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer feature length reboot.

When Ali Fedotowsky of E! News asked the star what she thought about following in the same vein as Heroes, 24 and The X-Files, Gellar couldn't help but recall the lack of success of the franchise's first film helmed by Kristy Swanson and Luke Perry:

"I think what people don't realize or forget is that Buffy was a failed movie.

"Buffy didn't work as a movie -- it worked as a long-arch television show where you could follow this journey.

"We spent all of our first year going, 'Yes, we know we are based on a failed movie, but this is different.'

"So it just seems kind of counterproductive to now go back didn't work the first time."

Besides, after a 12-year-break from playing Buffy, Gellar insists that she wouldn't be capable of the same moves from her early-twenties:

"I would have to have a walker and my walker would be made of would, and that is how I would stake people.

"At this point, I am a little old."

Maybe Nicholas can sell a reboot of the series with one of the Pretty Little Liars playing Buffy with himself in cast a new far less British Giles. 

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