Netflix Defends Offensive Adam Sandler ‘Ridiculus 6’ After Actor Walkout

By James Knight | Apr 24, 2015 06:45 PM EDT

Adam Sandler’s upcoming Netflix flick, The Ridiculous 6 is already getting a lot of attention and not in a good way. The film, which spoofs westerns like The Magnificent 7, may have taken their satire a little too far. One actor, Native American Loren Anthony, walked off the set, after taking offence to some of the films jokes made at the expense of Native American women. Now, Netflix has released a statement defending the film as over the top parody that should not be taken seriously.

Actor Loren Anthony and around a dozen other Native American actors, walked off the set of Adam Sandler’s new Netflix film The Ridiculous 6, after, justifiably, taking offense to some of the portrayals of Native Americans, including female characters named“Beaver’s Breath” and “No Bra.”

Prior to the incident it seemed that Anthony was enjoying the experience, tweeting:

A rep for Netflix reached out to TMZ, to defend the movie on the basis of satire:

"The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous."

Anthony later responded to the statement, tweeting:

What do you think about the news? Do you think it was offensive or meant as just misguided satire? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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