Wolf Tone: McDonald's of Wall Street to Ditch Their Grand Piano

By Brick Dozer | Jan 07, 2014 02:20 AM EST

Ahh, time was when the Wall Street branch of McDonald's was distinct from all the others.

It felt somehow, business-y, the kind of place busy finance execs (and not truant kids) might like to hang out.

Much of that was due to the grand piano above the entrance.

Time still is, actually.

But time might not be for very much longer. Because Gothamist carries a story that the new owner has decided the piano must play its last.

It doesn't fit in with the planned new décor, apparently.

Some locals are dismayed.

Well, if we get a muzak soundtrack next, they will be right to.

But give 'em a chamber ensemble, and maybe they'll relish the change.

I know which I expect though...

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