The local fare of classical music in New York City is a breeding ground for new material. Of this pool is Sung Jin Hong and One World Symphony--an organization boasting heartfelt and original material, from a Breaking Bad opera to their most recent Hannibal, a blend of Stravinsky, Bach and Sung Jin.
They have been featured on Classicalite before and are among the orchestral elite that perform in New York City. When I was invited to attend the premiere of Breaking Bad-Ozymandias last year I was floored at the deftness of their conductor, Sung Jin Hong, and his ensemble.
But that was a year ago and their new production, Hannibal, is a 2015 smash that has been written up extensively by the media. A thoughtful concerto, Classicalite was able to witness the recording of the piece before it hits the floor of the Internet as a full blown single.
Recording the symphony at Church of the Holy Apostles is a massive operation--one equipped with microphones careening over the maestro and his orchestra. The equipment is so sensitive that even a small nuance like a wood block has to be played with with the shallowest timber so as to not drown out the sonic delicacy of the piece.
Even a condensor mic has to be set up on the outskirts of the recording circle and receive no amplification. Soprano Marie Putko channeled Abigail Hobbs through voice alongside tenor Ransom G. Bruce (Will Graham) and countertenor Nicholas Tamagna (Hannibal Lecter).
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