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Bill Maher Debates Syrian Refugees With Panelist Chrystia Freeland [WATCH]

HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher aired Friday night with a panel of politicians which included Canadian Trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland. During the segment, Maher and Freeland hotly debated their views regarding Muslim ideology and their stance on Syrian refugees. Their opinions on both subjects were like night and day.

Maher's opening argument went something like this, "56 percent of Americans believe that the Syrian refugees... their values are at odds with our values. That may not be wrong... If you are in this religion, you probably do have values that are at odds. This is what liberals do not want to recognize... Those values are not our values."

Freeland on the other hand, is of the belief that it is more important than ever, "to stand up for real diversity and to say our diversity is our strength."

Maher's quick, nutshell retort made it sound as though Freeland is in support of Muslim-centric cultural ideals, like women as second-rate citizens. Considering she herself is a woman of authority, the accusation is at the least unlikely, but in a world of black and white, perhaps there is some truth to Maher's sentiment. That said, she more likely means that just because a great deal of Syrian refugees are Muslim, it does not make them extremists.

During the exchange, Freeland made it clear that Canada puts equal value on all religions and cultures, including Muslims. She also made it a point to distinguish between people of the Muslim faith and members of ISIS, saying that, "that [ISIS] does not represent Muslims"

In her own nutshell response, Freeland, chastises Maher asserting that it is "wrong to demonize religion," and accused Maher of the opinion, that "Muslims are bad."

Maher defended himself by explaining that his problem is with Muslim ideas, not their people.

Freeland was quick to ask, "You're saying their ideas are bad?"

"Uh, killing women for being raped, I would say is a bad idea. Yeah, I do. Hang me for it," was Maher's reaction.

Perhaps on some level they both are right. I do not personally know anyone who would condone the murder of a woman solely based on the brutalization of her body for which she had no control. I can honestly say, I do not think it is a good idea.

By the same token, I refuse to believe that all members of the Muslim faith, Syrian refugees included, share the same extremist views of those who are members of ISIS. Lumping all members of one faith into a single box and labeling that box as broken will only lead to another form of extremism. Once that path has been traveled, will we be able to return?

Now it is your turn. Who do you think is right, Bill Maher or Chrystia Freeland? Use the comments below to let me know.

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