Lost in the fire of last year's Pierrot centennial was translation. After all, it was Otto Erich Hartleben's German--translated from the original French of Albert Giraud--that Arnold Schoenberg had set.
And with Stanley Appelbaum's Anglicised Hartleben turning 20 next year (not to mention having its own Twitter account @PierrotTweets), Classicalite figured a new English language translation was passed due.
Knitting needles, shiny and gleaming, In her gray hair, The duenna sits mumbling There in her red skirt.
— Pierrot (@PierrotTweets) June 2, 2011
To wit, for the next 21 weekdays, we'll be offering a new take on each of Giraud/Hartleben/Appelbaum's 3x7 poems...alongside some of our favorite performances.
Knitting needles, twinkling bright,
Stuck in her graying hair,
The duenna sits muttering
There in her red dress.
She's waiting in the arbors;
She loves Pierrot with anguish.
Knitting needles, twinkling bright,
Stuck in her graying hair.
But suddenly--hark!--a whisper.
A soft breath of wind chuckles.
The moon, that nasty mocker,
Apes her with its beam.
Knitting needles, brightly twinkling.
Up next: "Der Mondfleck"
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