Jimmy Kimmel's 'Lie Witness News' Renames Kanye and Kim Kardashian West's Baby [WATCH]

By Brandy b.moss@classicalite.com | Dec 12, 2015 09:19 AM EST

Kim Kardashian West gave birth to a healthy baby boy last week. Along with her husband, Kanye West, the realitity television star announced their second child's name as Saint West. ABC's Jimmy Kimmel of spent no time at all hitting the streets of Los Angeles on Monday to create a little havoc with his famed segment, "Lie Witness News." This time, the skit involved things the West baby could have been named other than Saint.

For those of you unfamiliar with the "Lie Witness News," Kimmel basically sends interviewers out to ask unsuspecting passersby about humorously false information that sounds like it has the potential to be true and then asks them what they think about it. One has to wonder if a college psychology class assignment was the inspiration for this almost social experiment.

In this particular social experiment, we learned a couple of things.

1. When faced with information that "everyone" should know -- like what the hugely famous West couple named their baby boy -- people will pretty much say anything to make it sound like they know what they are talking about. When asked about the fake names given to baby West by Jimmy Kimmel Live, including the completley outlandish "KhaleesiKouellaKooKooKimcheeKambuchaKlondikeKaleidoscopeKeekajuKellyCuocoWest," (Did anyone else think of Mary Poppins and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"?) each interviewee said they had already heard about the name through social media and hilarious memes.

2. People expect the celebrity couple's baby to be named something absurd. So much so that when faced with a name like "Kia Sorento West," they will respond with, "I thought it was classic Kanye. I liked that it was different. Who else could come up with a name like that but Kim and Kanye?"

3. Keurig Coffee could do "whatever they want" if the happy couple's child had actually been named "Keurig Kardashian West." As one interviewee pointed out, "Keurig has already become a household name." With star power like wee little West they could really start amping up their game. Talk about branding! It seems people really will buy anything.

4. Kids still get made fun of in school because of what they are named. When "Lie Witness News" asked one individual if he had any words for "Fastest Gun In the West," the interviewee responded, "Good luck in school, I suppose."

Jimmy Kimmel Live always gives us a good laugh with bits like "Lie Witness News," but my favorite part about them have always been the social experiment aspect. Of course, there are times like this, when I am unsure of whether I should laugh or cry.


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